The Real Cause of Cancer: According to Keiichi Morishata’s book “The Hidden Truth of Cancer”, if there is an excessive increase in acidic conditions in the blood, the blood will inevitably release these extremely acidic substances to certain areas of the body in order to maintain alkaline conditions.
With the continuation of this trend, acidity increases in some parts of the body and some cells die. However, as a more dangerous process; some cells can also adapt themselves to this acidic environment. In other words, normal cells die in the acidic environment, while others transform themselves to adapt to this environment and survive as abnormal cells. These abnormal cells are called malignant cells. These malignant cells are not compatible with brain functions or the memory codes of our own DNA. Therefore, malignant cells develop indefinitely and irregularly. This is cancer.
Theoretically, it can be said that there are as many types of cancer as there are cancer cases in the world. However, the common point of all of them is that all cancerous cells are acidic and their reproduction rate decreases in an alkaline environment. Alkaline Ionized water prevents the formation and development of cancer cells as it increases alkalinity at the cellular level.
Again, according to an opinion accepted by all scientific circles, free radicals are among the main causes of cancer formation. Free radicals, which can be defined as oxygen elements that have lost an electron as a result of energy production and various chemical processes, attack the nearest somatic cells by 150,000 per second and try to steal an electron from the cell nucleus in order to compensate for their electron deficiencies. Although the cell loses this war and dies, it actually causes aging, but it can be accepted as “good news”. The “bad news” is that the cell managed to survive despite the lack of an electron. Because now this form is cancer. Antioxidants are electron-rich sources. They can stop the damage they cause to somatic cells by donating electrons to free radicals. With an ORP value of -400 mV, the strongest liquid antioxidant on earth is Alkaline Ionized Water.
It is known that healthy cells need high levels of oxygen to resist cancerous cells that are under the pressure to transform themselves. Alkaline Ionized water is saturated with oxygen 2 times higher than other types of water. Similarly, when the pH of our blood approaches 7.45, its ability to carry oxygen will increase by another 65%. As a natural consequence of these two parameters, Alkaline Ionized water will be the most vital oxygen source in the process of our healthy cells resisting cancerous ones.
Significant reduction in the occurrence of cancer cases when regularly consumed Alkaline Ionized Water; It has been proven by clinical trials that serious developments have been observed in the rehabilitation of cancer cases.
Adult disease diabetes is called non-insulin dependent diabetes (Type-II). Below is the definition of this disease in the “Family Medical Directory” of the American Medical Association.
Non-insulin dependent diabetes, which is a type of diabetes; It happens because the cells in the pancreas don’t produce enough insulin for the body, and it usually affects people over the age of 40. People with this type of diabetes often eat too much and are quite overweight.
Their overeating causes excess glucose in their blood, and the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to match this glucose amount. Besides, heredity is also an important factor in this type of diabetes. In almost one out of every three cases, the cause of the disease is the family history of the disease.
Age is another factor. Because the efficiency of the pancreas begins to decrease with age. The pancreas produces the body fluid with the highest pH in the body. Pancreatic juice has a pH value of 8.8 and has a very high alkalinity.
The decrease in calcium ions in our body causes the production of insulin hormone to decrease and the blood becomes acidic. Blood vessels clogged by acidic wastes cause excess protein to be produced, inhibiting the pancreas’s ability to produce insulin. Alkaline water helps to improve this situation by preventing excessive protein formation with the calcium ions it contains.